Friday, July 27, 2012

Of Shelves, Moving, and Chalkboards

     On Wednesday, July 18, there was a work night at the new school building.  We cut and painted a whole bunch of shelves for closets...

...did odd jobs...

... and loaded up school supplies, desks, and other things from the old school building and brought them to the new school building.  There we unloaded the trailer and carried things inside to the classrooms.  Despite the rain, there were many willing helpers.
     This past week, the three chalkboards arrived. They were unloaded at the school building Monday night but have not yet been installed.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Progress Report

On June 14, we had a work night at school.  We washed windows, installed window screens, put up directional signs, etc.

A few weeks ago, carpet was laid in the three classrooms upstairs and in the library.  Toilets were also installed in the restrooms upstairs.  This past week, shelves for the closets were cut.

There are still a lot of things to be done like buy lockers, finish the kitchen, spread more gravel, set up chalkboards and bulletin boards, install the elevator, obtain water fountains, carpet the walls in the basement, etc. Since a number of those things can wait, we will primarily work on painting and installing the shelves, finishing the trim, installing vanities and partitions in the restrooms, and painting and finishing the doors.

Our school teachers, Matt Kratzer, Fonda Overholt, and Yvonne Stoltzfus, will be coming in the end of July to organize and put their new classrooms in order.  We are hoping to have a lot of work done by the time they come.